Study on Vitamins Revive Hair Growth Vitamins Kit by Citruslabs
Vitamins Revive
Hair loss can impact your self-esteem, confidence, and your day-to-day activities. That’s why Vitamins Revive, founded by Trichologists with over 80 years of experience studying and treating hair, is recognized for their uncompromising quality and commitment to perfection.
What is the Hair Growth Vitamins Kit?
Endorsed by dermatologists, Vitamins Revive developed a two-product Hair Growth Vitamins Kit designed to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss. The holistic formula combines key learnings from traditional Chinese medicine with a modern naturopathic approach. The ingredients work synergistically to alleviate your symptoms, as well as address the root cause of your hair problems.
How were the supplements tested?
In this single-group clinical trial, female participants with self-reported issues with hair growth, shedding, and thinning took Hair Nutra Growth and Hair Nutra Boost capsules.
Participants were then required to complete questionnaires at Week 4, Week 8, and Week 12 and provide photos of their hair at the same time. All subjects self-scored their overall hair health and growth on a 5-point textual Likert scale at the Baseline, Week 4, Week 8, and Week 12 check-ins.
Why is hair health important?
Hair health is not only important for general appearance and hygiene, but hair can play an important role in self-esteem, confidence, and cultural importance. In summary, this study suggests that Hair Nutra Growth and Boost capsules can effectively improve hair health and growth and gain positive feedback from users, contributing to an overall improvement in self-esteem and confidence.
Benefits of Clinical Research for Vitamins Revive and Other Brands
Hair growth supplements have been around for decades so the market is full of choice. Consumers are prioritizing clinically supported options more than ever. Vitamins Revive clearly values providing a proven option to consumers looking to improve their hair health.
The study reveals promising findings regarding the efficacy of Hair Nutra Growth and Boost capsules. Participants’ self-reported assessments of their hair health and growth showed notable improvements. At Week 4, a significant enhancement was observed in overall hair health, signifying an early positive response to the supplement.
Study results for Vitamins Revive Hair Growth Vitamins Kit

The following key outcomes were observed during the clinical trial:
As early as Week 4, participants already experienced a significant improvement in overall hair health attributable to the synergistic effects of the 'Hair Nutra Growth' and 'Hair Nutra Boost' capsules.
By the end of week 8, 88% of participants expressed a preference to keep using both products of the kit. Their reasons for this included significant improvements in various aspects of hair wellness, specifically:
👉 Reduced hair loss and hair shedding
👉 Increased hair thickness and fullness
👉 Enhanced overall hair health satisfaction
👉 Improved & enhanced hair softness
👉 Reduced noticeability of hair on the pillow in the mornings
👉 Reduced noticeability of hair fall in the shower after hair wash
👉 Reduced noticeability of excessive hair loss when brushing or combing hair
These findings underscore the potential benefits of the Vitamins Revive Hair Growth Vitamins System Kit in supporting hair health and managing hair loss and hair thickness within the first 2 months of use.
About Citruslabs
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