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Ben Brockman

How Real World Evidence Is Transforming Clinical Trials

As the consumer products industry evolves, brands are seeking stronger, science-backed validation for their claims. While traditional clinical trials remain valuable, Real World Evidence (RWE) is emerging as a powerful method for evaluating product performance in real-life settings.

person using smart watch to collect RWE

But what is real world evidence, and how is it reshaping the landscape of clinical trials for non-pharmaceutical products like supplements, cosmetics, and pet health items? Let’s explore.

What Is Real World Evidence (RWE)?

Real world evidence refers to data collected outside the strict environment of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Instead of evaluating products only in a controlled lab setting, RWE focuses on data gathered from real-life product use. This data can come from diverse sources like:

  • Consumer surveys

  • Observational studies

  • Wearables or health-tracking devices

  • Online product reviews

  • Registries and patient databases

RWE is crucial because it shows how a product performs in day-to-day use, rather than just in carefully controlled environments. For industries like skincare, cosmetics, and pet health, RWE provides valuable insights into how products behave when consumers use them in their own routines.

Why Is RWE Important for Clinical Trials?

Real world evidence brings a new dimension to clinical trials. Traditionally, clinical trials aim to test a product’s efficacy in a highly controlled setting, which might not always reflect how people use the product in everyday life. Here’s how RWE is transforming the field:

  1. Enhanced Product Relevance: RWE helps brands understand how their products are being used by actual consumers. For instance, a supplement may work differently depending on diet, lifestyle, or even geography. RWE provides insights into these factors, allowing brands to create more relevant and adaptable products.

  2. Broader Data Sources: While traditional trials focus on specific target groups under controlled conditions, RWE draws from a wider variety of users. This ensures that a more diverse population - age, gender, or health conditions - is represented. As a result, RWE paints a fuller picture of product effectiveness.

  3. Cost-Effective and Faster ResultsConducting traditional clinical trials can potentially be costly and time-consuming. RWE, on the other hand, can often provide quicker feedback from real users without the long, expensive processes of randomized controlled trials. Brands in the supplement and cosmetic industries can launch products faster while still ensuring the claims are backed by data.

  4. Building Consumer TrustConsumers today demand transparency and proof behind product claims. RWE supports this need by providing real-world validation of how a product performs across diverse settings. Whether it’s an anti-aging serum or a pet health supplement, sharing RWE data helps brands build credibility and trust with their audience.

Key Benefits of RWE for Non-Pharma Products

RWE offers numerous advantages for industries that rely on consumer trust and product claims, especially in areas like cosmetics, supplements, and pet health:

  • Tailored Product Development: By gathering data from everyday users, brands can refine and optimize their products to meet specific needs. For example, RWE could reveal that a skincare product works best in humid climates, prompting the company to modify its formula for consumers in drier regions.

  • Real-Time Feedback: Since RWE can come from sources like wearables or consumer reviews, brands can adjust products or marketing messages in real-time based on actual user experiences. This agility is essential for staying competitive in fast-moving industries.

  • Compliance with Regulatory Standards: Regulatory bodies, like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), require brands to substantiate product claims with scientific evidence. RWE adds an extra layer of credibility to support these claims, especially when full-scale RCTs aren’t feasible or necessary for consumer goods.

How Brands Are Using RWE Today

Leading brands in the skincare and wellness sectors are already leveraging RWE to stay ahead of the curve. For instance:

  • Skincare brands are collecting data from real users via apps or online platforms to study how products perform in different skin types and environmental conditions.

  • Supplement companies use RWE to analyze how their products are affecting diverse groups of consumers, gathering valuable insights on long-term effects and lifestyle impacts.

  • Pet health brands are relying on pet-owner surveys and veterinarian feedback to track how supplements and treatments work in real-life scenarios, improving the care and well-being of animals.

The Future of Clinical Trials with RWE

As technology advances, the potential for RWE to reshape clinical trials grows even further. We are already seeing a rise in decentralized clinical trials, where data collection happens remotely, often through digital tools or telemedicine platforms. This is a perfect pairing with RWE, as it allows brands to gather real-world insights from a global audience without the need for physical trial sites.

For brands, particularly in the non-pharmaceutical space, this opens up new opportunities to develop, test, and validate products efficiently and credibly.

The Impact of RWE on Product Development and Validation

Real world evidence is transforming the landscape of clinical trials, providing a powerful new tool for brands looking to substantiate their product claims in skincare, cosmetics, supplements, and beyond. By embracing RWE, companies can ensure their products not only pass the test in controlled settings but also deliver results in the hands of everyday consumers.

As RWE continues to evolve, it’s clear that this form of evidence will play a crucial role in shaping the future of consumer products, helping brands remain transparent, credible, and competitive. 

At Citruslabs we can help you create science-backed claims for your products through clinical trials and RWE, contact us today to learn more about our process!


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